Update on my whereabouts

Hey folks,  I just wanted to apologise for the lack of activity on the site for the past few weeks and I want to give you an update as to what has been going on in my life at the moment.

Firstly, I have not been very well and the pain side of things has been kicking my backside of late.  This had led the doctors to change my medication but to do that they have to reduce the one I am on before swapping across to the new one which is more powerful.  Lots of pain ridden days have been the ‘norm’ for me but thankfully it wont be for too much longer.

The second things is that I have been busy with some creative writing for my Open University course and also a Photography module (I am off there this morning) which will hopefully add some variation and depth to what I have been posting about on this site.  I am really enjoying the creative process and hopefully the things that I do will be interesting for you guys to look at and read as well.

Finally we had an update about Pretzel which knocked us for six a little bit so I will definitely be posting about that in the upcoming weeks when I can get my head around how it makes me feel and what it means for the future with us as well.  I hope that you can bear with me because I am planning on some big changes with the blog and also the layout/design (if I have the time to do it).  I do appreciate all of the support I have had through this blog and I don’t plan on abandoning it  anytime soon so please do stick around to see what happens.

So for now I will be busy writing and snapping away to make some (hopefully) cool and nice things for you all to see very soon.

Until then stay safe and keep smiling!

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Minimal Talk Monday

Hi again folks, this is day 16 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge

Mime Monday is because I feel like I have been hit by a train today.  I haven’t slept very well for ages now, my medications are playing havoc with my insides and my brain and it isn’t very nice so I thought I would share a few things with you via a different method instead!

These are some of my favourite family photos that give an insight into the fun and games that we have together.

Sorry this was a short one but hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track.

Until then stay safe and keep smiling!