Creativity Journal

Creativity Journal

I am going to let you in on what I have been doing for the past couple of months that has kept me away from the blog in the past couple of months.  I have been keeping a creativity journal which means I am  writing every single day on a wide variety of subjects.

I am studying creative writing at the moment through university and I have been having a blast with it.   One of the things my course asks me to do is keep a writers journal.  A writers journal is a book of observations, ideas, random quotes and pretty much anything else that has interested me or has popped into my head for some reason.  It is a good exercise to get the creative juices flowing and it is also very therapeutic to empty my head of all of the things I would bottle up inside and obsess about for ages.

Ideas, Sharing and Blogging

So that got me thinking about my blog and what I could do to tie in both the things I have spoken about before and the creativity journal that I am keeping each day.  I thought I could share some of the things that I have been writing each day and let you tell me whether you like/dislike them and it also may give me an idea to try and write some short stories or hopefully a novel!

I also thought about having a day where I will take suggestions from you folks of 3 different objects or ideas and then I will write them into some kind of short story.  I reckon this would be a good challenge and it would get me into a good habit of writing and would also let me give you guys something that I have created just for you! I could try and use the few photography tips that I have been given to try and take some photos that tie in with the story that I have written as well.

Another idea buzzing around my head is to do a photography scavenger hunt, for those of you that blog, so we can share photos about our local areas and link up to promote each other.  I think it could be great fun and I hope you guys are on board with it as I would love to see some of the places that you visit in your local area.

Creativity Journal

Sunset over mountains taken from the plane

This doesn’t mean that I am going to be changing the blog completely to talk  about different subjects though, I am just hoping to include you all in some of the things that I like to do to relax when the pressure of my own pain and Pretzel’s disability get on top of me.

So what do you reckon?  Are you guys up for putting your toes into the pool of creativity with me and coming on a journey?  I hope so and I reckon we could have a good laugh along the way as well.

Until next time folks,  Stay Safe and Keep Smiling!

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6 responses to “Creativity Journal

  1. I like your ideas. Wonderful, do it, I am in. I joined NaNoWriMo to get me in a habit of writing. To my utter surprise I got an idea for a novel and began writing. My goal is to come into a habit of writing daily and yes if I can complete my novel in November, that would be an excellent plus

    • I hope to reach the 50,000 words bt the end of November but life seemed to conspire against me. I have all of the planning work set out and a rough idea of where I am going with it but I doubt I will hit the target by the end of this month. I am already around 5 days behind and still not 100% health wise. Something is better than nothing at all though 🙂

    • Thanks 🙂
      I have been concentrating on my health and sorting that out before looking to get back to things. I am slowly getting there so hopefully there will be more posts a little more frequently now 😀

  2. Oooh, Nanomo, photography and the OU writing course…. 😀 I am practically jumping up and down enthusiastically! I think your photography link up idea is fabulous, and go get ’em all you NaNoMo’ers out there. You can do it! I did it two years ago, and this year (she says smiling from ear to ear) I am spending November editing my book that I has been bought by a major publishing house!

    So believe in yourself, what you are doing is amazing, and worth while and so very do able. When you feel tired and feel like stopping for the night just do another 250 words, that is just one big paragraph, and time will do the rest. And Keith you are an awesome writer the way you craft your ideas is excellent. Keep on doing what your doing, you have the talent, and I look forward to seeing what you write next.

    • I am gutted I had to drop out of NaNoWriMo early on because I have not been too well but I have got a good story line in the works which I am going to develop and work on when I can get the energy back.
      Congratulations on the publishing deal as well! I will have to pick your brains on getting my work ‘out there’ when I finally have something I think is worthy 😛