All about Me

Well you found me!

My name is Keith and I live with my wife and 2 daughters in Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England.  I am 33 years old and I have been married for 13 years this month to a fantastic woman who makes me very happy.  I am a stay at home dad who looks after my youngest daughter who was born with an undiagnosed genetic syndrome or a SWAN (Syndrome Without A Name).  She has complex special needs which includes Epilepsy, Hypermobile Joints, Visual and Hearing Problems, She has no communication or comprehension skills and is globally developmentally delayed.  Add to this mix that I myself am disabled suffering from chronic insomnia, chronic pain, diabetes and I am recovering from Binge Eating Disorder.  This nice little mix means we have quite a challenge in our daily life even for the most routine tasks and it is definitely an experience to share.

This is my gorgeous family and I love each and every one of them!

I write this blog to try and give some understanding and insight into what the difficulties are when your child doesn’t have a diagnosis and how every day is a fight to try and get even the most basic of needs catered for.  This blog is a no-holds-barred account of situations and feelings that I go through daily and how myself and my family have to adapt to overcome the difficulties presented to us.

I hope you enjoy reading all about me and my family and I greatly appreciate any feedback that you leave.

Thank you! 

6 responses to “All about Me

  1. It is 4:03 am here, I once wrote a blog article a day for perhaps 3 or 4 months to prove to me that maybe, just maybe I could make a go as a writer. It was a personal challenge. Gee that list of meds I read just now sounded familiar… not all… but… I’m 54 and on disability. …I’m in Canada BTW. Can you tell from my accent? ;o)

    I read a previous blog entry of your courtesy of a friend about hidden disabilities and being shoddily treated… among other things.

    A few obstacles are preventing me from writing as much as I’d like at the moment. Pop by online if you’d like. I’ve got most of my blogs on my own webspace now. Though I did keep one on WordPress and I created one on WordPress recently.

    I’d love to hear from you. I’d include a link, but I don’t want to set of Spam filters.

    • Hi there Darrell,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. Strangely enough I did recognise that you were Canadian almost straight away from your accent 😛
      I will definitely take a trip over to your blogs and have a read. I am always looking for inspiration and good material to read.
      See you soon!

  2. Hi there Keith I think your blog should be prescribed reading for anybody who thinks they have a hard life (I have somebody in particular in mind who is always complaining about her lot!) I lived in Newcastle when my three kids were younger but no doubt you can tell that I don’t have a Geordie accent. Keep up the good work – you are truly inspirational!

    • Hi Sue,
      Thank you for commenting and replying on my blog. Your words are very kind and mean a lot to me. I didn’t think I had a Geordie accent until I went down south for a trip and nobody could understand me! Needless to say I reigned it in a bit from then on 🙂

    • Hi there, I was blown away by the beauty of the pictures that you posted on your blog and it made me want to go so badly. I am glad that you are inspired by my blog. It is always nice to read good comments.

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