Creativity Journal

Creativity Journal

I am going to let you in on what I have been doing for the past couple of months that has kept me away from the blog in the past couple of months.  I have been keeping a creativity journal which means I am  writing every single day on a wide variety of subjects.

I am studying creative writing at the moment through university and I have been having a blast with it.   One of the things my course asks me to do is keep a writers journal.  A writers journal is a book of observations, ideas, random quotes and pretty much anything else that has interested me or has popped into my head for some reason.  It is a good exercise to get the creative juices flowing and it is also very therapeutic to empty my head of all of the things I would bottle up inside and obsess about for ages.

Ideas, Sharing and Blogging

So that got me thinking about my blog and what I could do to tie in both the things I have spoken about before and the creativity journal that I am keeping each day.  I thought I could share some of the things that I have been writing each day and let you tell me whether you like/dislike them and it also may give me an idea to try and write some short stories or hopefully a novel!

I also thought about having a day where I will take suggestions from you folks of 3 different objects or ideas and then I will write them into some kind of short story.  I reckon this would be a good challenge and it would get me into a good habit of writing and would also let me give you guys something that I have created just for you! I could try and use the few photography tips that I have been given to try and take some photos that tie in with the story that I have written as well.

Another idea buzzing around my head is to do a photography scavenger hunt, for those of you that blog, so we can share photos about our local areas and link up to promote each other.  I think it could be great fun and I hope you guys are on board with it as I would love to see some of the places that you visit in your local area.

Creativity Journal

Sunset over mountains taken from the plane

This doesn’t mean that I am going to be changing the blog completely to talk  about different subjects though, I am just hoping to include you all in some of the things that I like to do to relax when the pressure of my own pain and Pretzel’s disability get on top of me.

So what do you reckon?  Are you guys up for putting your toes into the pool of creativity with me and coming on a journey?  I hope so and I reckon we could have a good laugh along the way as well.

Until next time folks,  Stay Safe and Keep Smiling!

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A New look….Again

Hey there folks,

I just wanted to let you know why there has been a change in the site theme.  It was brought to my attention by the excellent people Ciara Ballintyne and Gabi Klaf that the new plugin I have installed wasn’t working correctly.  It is because of this that I have changed the theme as they don’t seem to play together very well and the plugin was more important to me than the theme.  To be honest the theme didn’t sit quite right with me anyway and I am going to look at getting my own made for me at some point I think.  Anyway, I want to tell you about the plugin I just installed called CommentLuv.

I know a lot of the seasoned bloggers out there probably know about this one but I will tell you anyway as I think it is very cool!  It basically allows you to add a link back to one of your posts with each comment that you leave on my blog as well as stopping a lot of spammy posts and links from appearing on my blog.  How great is that?  If you share my post to Facebook or Google you can choose from even more of your posts to put whatever link you like on my blog.  I love this idea as it lets me share some of the fantastic blogs that I read with all of my other folks who comment and hopefully you will check them out and love them as well

So there you go 3:30 AM and I am updating my blog for you folkies………aren’t I dedicated?

Until the next time folks  Stay Safe and Keep Smiling!

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Does Video blogging work for you?

Does Video Blogging work for you?

Always the one to try something new I have decided to take the plunge and let you hear my (not so) dulcet tones and see my (not so) lovely features in an attempt to see if some Video Blogging may be an option for this personal blog over here.  I would obviously tackle different subjects if you folks did like them (and could understand me) and possibly even look at doing some funny bits and pieces for a bit of a laugh every now and then as well.  So without further ado, I introduce you to the ‘real’ me :

So what did you think? Do I need to put some translations up there or could you understand me?  Is my ugly mug too offensive to ever be seen near a screen ever again?  Did I frighten your pets or children? 

Let me know whether you think I should do more video blogging or whether I should banish the webcam to the depths of a drawer bottom for the rest of eternity.

Until next time folks, Stay Safe and Keep Smiling

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New Theme and Exciting times ahead!

New theme topics and exciting times!

Hey folks, I haven’t posted for a couple of days as I haven’t been too well.  I have been loaded with cold and with the kids away from school on their summer holidays it has been pretty hectic.  I have still been thinking about you all and how to improve this lovely little blog for you so we can do some pretty nice and hopefully exciting things together to take this blog forward.  I noticed there are quite a few bloggers out there who have theme posts for their blogs which happen on regular days throughout the week and I really like this idea.  It will give me a little bit more of a focus with what to write if I am looking at a theme as I don’t want to leave large gaps between posts and I want to keep it interesting for you folks to read.  I want to show everyone that there are a lot of things  in my life that keep me going and give me hope which I think have been slightly skipped over to fill you all in on my background story in the past 3-4 weeks so I have decided that my first theme post day will be called ‘Motivational Mondays’.

Motivational Mondays

For ‘Motivational Mondays’ I am planning to write posts about things that have got me excited for the upcoming week.  This could be something I have read, something that is in the news or something that has happened or is going to happen in my life in the upcoming week.  I figured it would be a nice way for us to cheer up Monday mornings a little bit as it can be so depressing thinking about going back to work or some of the more dull and dreary tasks we all have to do during the week.  I am hoping that I may be able to get some guest posters involved as well because I have read some fantastic posts from some really lovely people in the past month of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

Wordsmith Wednesday

The second theme post day is going to be ‘Wordsmith Wednesday’.  For ‘Wordsmith Wednesday’ I am planning on having quotes, poetry, short stories, limericks, haiku etc.  basically anything that uses words as it’s focus.  This is where I am hopefully going to be able to share with you some of the creative writing that I have been doing and I also hope that you will be willing to share your creative writing with me.  Again I will be looking at getting guest posters involved as I have read a lot of really good things from some very talented writers over the past couple of months and I would love to be able to share them with everyone.

Feel Good Friday

Finally the last theme post of the week will be ‘Feel Good Fridays’.  ‘Feel Good Fridays’ will be a look back at the previous week to see what has happened that has made me smile, laugh, feel proud or anything along those lines.  It could be anything at all that has happened whether it be a joke I have heard, a story I have read, a video I have seen or maybe a photograph that has made me smile.  Again I hope that you will join in and share something from your week that has made you smile or feel good from the past week.  You never know, yours may just make someone else smile!

I am hoping that these theme posts will give us something really interesting to share with each other and they may evolve into something else or they might disappear in favour of another theme that we find as we go along.  As always your suggestions will be very important to me and if you feel you don’t like something or would like a different theme then please feel free to suggest it to me.  I am also going to try out some videoblogs for you guys to see how well they work and whether you can stand seeing my ugly mug filling your screen!  I did have some ideas about audio blogs maybe reading out some pieces of poetry or a weekly episodic reading of a piece of fictional writing.  I wasn’t too sure how much you folks would want this though so please let me know if it is something you would be interested in hearing as it is an idea I was quite keen on trying out.

I am going to be trying to have a fiddle around with the layout of the blog throughout the next few months as well to see if I can improve things or if there is a more suitable WordPress theme for this blog because as much as this theme I have now is O.k, it still doesn’t quite feel like ‘Home’ for Sleepless In Newcastle just yet.  I am no expert in any kind of theme design, graphics or web design so it is taking me time to pick up on how it all works but I hope by the end of it we can have a nice place to come and relax which feels a little more comfortable for us all.

Well there you go, those are the plans, that is the focus of the next few weeks for me for now but I really want to know what you think.  Do you like the theme ideas?  Do you have any better theme ideas?  Are you as excited to read/see/hear these different theme ideas as I am to get them up and running?

Until next time Stay Safe and Keep Smiling!

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Head in a mess!

Hey folks, this is a late post for my 11th day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge

Exactly how I felt yesterday!!!!!

As you can see the site is being changed and updated all of the time as I slowly……and I mean very slowly……start to get used to all of this new technology that is involved with self-hosting a blog.  It had me with my head in my hands at midnight last night wondering why nothing seemed to be working and why my page wouldn’t update.  I went to bed seething at how I couldn’t get it all sorted.

I woke up this morning and had a look and I had a cache plugin on my blog that meant I wasn’t seeing the updated pages after I made my changes.  DOH!

Just shows what a good nights worth of sleep can do for you!

Anyway I hope that later today I will do a more in depth posting rather than a quick update like this one

Until then Stay Safe! or self hosted?

Hi again folks, Day 5 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Firstly I want to thank you all for the amazing support you have shown me for writing this blog  and secondly, I would like a little bit of help and knowledge from all of you lovely people with the future of this blog.

I starting regular blogging on 9th June 2012 and I have to admit I am completely new to the whole idea.  I have always written things down and I love writing but always lose confidence with it but for the first time I am taking a step back and feeling quite proud of what I have been writing so far.  The positive comments that you have all left me really mean an awful lot to me and it is spurring me on to want to do more and more.  I never expected it to be like this but it seems to have tapped into a hidden spring of passion that has been dormant within me for ages. But that is where I am coming to a bit of a problem.

I really want to improve how I write, what I write and the overall look, feel and design of my blog.  When I started up I decided to use as the host for my blog because I wasn’t sure how it all worked and I wasn’t even aware that there were many other options.  I have managed reasonably well so far in that the content going on the site has been ok (I hope) but there are a few little niggles that I don’t like about using wordpress to host.

A perfect desktop image for CSS developers

A perfect desktop image for CSS developers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The first thing is the site design.  There are plenty of themes that wordpress have to used for the blog but they are pretty much set as they are.  For most of them you can add a graphic and change some of the colours.  What I don’t like is the fact that I can’t move things around the site if I don’t like the positioning, I cant change the style or the size of the font and I can’t add any plugins or anything to make life easier.  I realise it is free and that is a good thing for someone who is adding the occasional post and may be suitable for some but I can really see this becoming a hobby and I don’t mind spending a reasonable amount of money on it.  I know you can upgrade the blogs to have things like your own domain name, customised fonts and CSS design (I have no idea about CSS but would be willing to learn), space upgrades and the removal of ads.  This package costs $99 per year but I don’t think this is good value, or is it? I can’t help but think that I could do the same thing self hosted for an awful lot cheaper than that really.  Also as I am in the UK do I go for UK based hosts or is it o.k to use ones from anywhere in the world?

The second thing I would like to ask about is content for the site.  I initially started to spread the message about my disability and my daughter’s disability and how my family copes with all of these things.  I would keep talking about these things but I would also like to talk about my weight loss journey as I tackle my health and my Binge Eating Disorder and I also would like to start doing some creative writing  and trying to write some fictional stories based around disability.  There are other things I would like to do such as reviews of products that relate to disability and special needs, link to other websites/blogs who may offer support or help to people in a similar situation to us, A question and answer section where you could ask any question about me, my family or the disabilities that we have to live with and general tips/tricks for parents and carers to use in various different situations when they find something particularly difficult.  Do you think I need to set up separate blogs for these ideas or would they be o.k in one blog? Is there anything in particular you think I shouldn’t cover or is there anything you think I am missing out that I could include in the blog?

The other thought I had was to try and do some blogging via video or audio but I wasn’t really sure whether that was something you folks find good or bad.  Do you think you would listen to an audioblog or watch a videoblog or even a regular photoblog? I could even open up an additional Youtube channel for videoblogs along with the traditional text ones.  Are there any other things you think I can do to make the site more accessible to people with different disabilities?  Are there things I could change to help make the site easier to use?

I am really after as many ideas as you guys think you would be interested in.

I really appreciate everything you folks reading have done for me and I would really like to focus on what you want to read about and cover it in my own style as a straight talking, honest, from the heart way that I think you all appreciate.  Please leave me some ideas or comments as to your thoughts on these questions or anything else you think I might need to consider or you can e-mail me here


Until tomorrow folks, Stay Safe!

Why should you blog?

champagne cork popping

champagne cork popping (Photo credit: BitHead)

Well howdy again folks!

This is the first post that I will be making in the Ultimate Blog Challenge which asks me to post every day for the rest of this month.  That means you are going to be getting a post per day!  Lucky you! Anyway, I thought I would look at some of the reasons why I started this blog, what keeps me going and why you should join the blogging community.

As I have mentioned in a couple of my previous posts (The Still of the Night.. and Health Suffers Through Caring) life can be tough dealing with my own disabilities and looking after a daughter with special needs.  I am the type of person who, believe it or not, used to bottle up my emotions and store them until they exploded out like champagne corks, often causing a lot of hurt and damage in the process.  This would also have an impact on my health because I often wouldn’t sleep (although I rarely do with my insomnia anyway), I would break out in nasty ulcers all over my mouth and I would suffer with severe stomach cramps.  After the last time this happened I decided I needed to make a change with something and I thought about writing a journal.  Now I am not very good at writing a journal as I have tried a few times before but it was when I saw someone else post on a forum about their blog that I gave it a read and decided I would write one myself and here we are!


Hulk (Photo credit:

I knew I was going to write about my daily life but I wanted to do it in a way that I could be open about everything.  I have never bought into the macho pretence that a lot of other guys seem to feel the need to put on when it comes to those sensitive subjects, so writing from the heart seemed the natural thing for me to do.  There was benefit for me by doing this because it meant that I could get the feelings out of my head and both record and understand them for later use avoiding that old ‘popping cork’ situation I would have had on other occasions.  The other thing that spurred meon was that there seemed to be a real lack of fathers writing blogs about their experiences with a special needs child.  It surprised me quite a bit but  that meant there was the chance to step up and say ‘This is what is going on in the mind of the fathers who are so often overlooked in the caring role’.  Now I am not claiming to be the voice of every father but I hope in my blog that I can at least give an insight into what is going on in the minds of some of the fathers and at the same time show that we don’t always have the rock hard exterior that we put up each day to try and convince ourselves and everyone else that ‘Everything is O.K’.  After all we cant all be Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk even though we may pretend to be.

English: Jump! Deutsch: Spring!

English: Jump! Deutsch: Spring! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Since starting the blog I have found that I really enjoy doing it and it has certainly made me feel less stressed.  Getting things out of my head seems to have done the trick and I am not worried and as tense all the time.  It has allowed me to focus on myself and my own health, I have had time to spend with the kids having fun and laughing and it has definitely improved my relationship with my wife.  We snap a lot less at each other and it has opened both of us up to be able to talk through problems a lot more calmly and rationally than would have been possible before. I am not saying that we were biting each others heads off or anything but the stress and tension can definitely make things a lot more difficult to think about and discuss rationally.  The other advantage of writing this blog has been the sense of community that quickly starts to build around you if you put a bit of time and effort into talking to people and commenting on their posts.  I have read some truly brilliant articles and stories and I have been touched by the strength and determination of some of the others that I have read.  I have had help from all sorts of places and from lots of different websites, people and companies that I would never have heard of or come into contact with if it hadn’t been for this blog.

Let's Talk About Feelings

Let’s Talk About Feelings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So why should you start blogging?  Well firstly it is a hobby that can be as cheap or expensive as you want to make it.  You can host a blog for free in a number of places (This one is hosted at or you can go for a self hosted option which will require you to register a domain name and get a place to host it.  This is probably something I am going to do with this blog fairly soon because I have found I enjoy it so much I want to be able to have the freedom to do things for myself.  Secondly, there is a therapeutic quality to writing about something that you are passionate about and the range of topics is limited by your own imagination.  There is always someone else who will be willing to read what you write and it is nice to have that feeling of a connection even if it is virtually and may be across thousands of miles.  It can be a stress release, a tool to vent frustration, a way of keeping in touch with family or even to write down your feelings about somebody that you would be too embarrassed to say to their face. Finally, if you manage to make a successful blog it could open doors for a job change, career or an extra income through advertising and sponsorships etc.  Now don’t expect to write a blog and leave your job because it wont happen just like that.  It does take a lot of effort to connect with your audience and promote your blog to people around the world.

 I would like to say a thank you to a couple of bloggers who have helped me on my journey to get to this point and to be able to share my opinions and thoughts with everyone and I would love it if you would go and visit them and leave some comments.

Just Bring the Chocolate, SWAN UK and Savour Your Spoons

So will you be the next set of bloggers to put your thoughts down onto the world wide web?  Will you make a new venture in business and use a blog to sell it?  Will you be the next band to use blogging as a promotion tool?

If you do let me know and I will post a link and take a look!

Until then folks, Stay Safe!