Refreshed, energised and raring to go!


Sorry for shouting but I just thought I might need to wake everyone up after a prolonged absence by me.

Things have calmed down a bit for me now and I am feeling refreshed, energised and I am ready to get going again with some new and exciting things I want to share with you all.  We had a lovely week in Malta which gave us some much needed rest and recuperation time and also gave us the chance to catch up with some good friends, old and new ones.  But down to business again from now on!

Firstly, I would like to report that my creative writing has been giving me a lot of ideas, a ton of pleasure and is really starting to get me excited to grab a pen and write again!  I have had ideas from absolutely anywhere and everywhere and it is like having a new pair of eyes put in my head.  I am looking at the world in a whole new way which has not only helped my creative writing but has also helped with my photography as well.  I have had a lot of fun with both of these before I went off o holiday for a week to the lovely, sunny island of Malta.

Before I went off on holiday I had a few photographs that I had taken for my course that I thought I would share with you because I really liked them and I would love to know what you think about them.  I don’t mind if it is good or bad because I am still learning and of course it is a subjective art form as well! So without further ado here we go 🙂

So what did you think?  Some of the shots I am not 100% happy with but I think it isn’t too bad for someone who used to just point and click.  I will be taking a lot more pictures in future because they really help fuel my writing as well.

I am hoping to start including some short stories and poetry things I am writing at the moment on the blog but I am still deciding on the best way to display them and whether they should be included in the blog or just put on a separate page of their own.

Well that is all from me for now but I hope you enjoyed the photos and there will be more updates regularly now that I am back on my feet and fighting fit again.

Until then Stay Safe and Keep Smiling

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8 responses to “Refreshed, energised and raring to go!

  1. Welcome back Keith! So glad to hear that you’re doing well, and enjoying your classes. You have some great pictures there. I particularly like the ones that show unusual angles/perspectives (like the blue railing.) Looking forward to seeing more of your work – and some of the creative writing!

    • Hey Melissa,
      I am so glad to get back to doing the things that I really enjoy and it was definitely much needed R&R. Nice to just do nothing in some warm weather when it is so cold here in Newcastle!
      I am happy that you liked the photos and there will definitely be a lot more creativity going on from now on!

  2. Hi Keith, I am so glad you are feeling better and feel energized and refreshed. You must have needed a holiday, loved the pics.Pretzel is a very talented young woman, I loved the eggs. Maybe one day is will be designing sets in the theatre.

  3. Hey Keith,

    Welcome back! Sounds like you got some R&R for your soul, and new energy for your family!

    The pictures are great, lots of texture, parallels and contrast. Interesting to look at. Good job!

    Keep ’em coming!
    Mark L.